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For Dogs & Cats Tablets Vibramycin ( Ronaxan Doxycycline )

Regular price € 49.95

Doxycycline HydrochlorideTablets is a bacteriostatic antibiotic used by veterinarians for the treatment of infections, such as Lyme disease,Chlamydia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and bacterial infections caused by susceptible organisms.Animal Doxycycline Bolus and Veterinary Doxycycline Bolus is used for the treatment of infections caused by Doxycycline susceptible organisms in dogs and cats including skin infections, such as pyoderma,folliculitis, respiratory infections, genito urinary infections, otitis externa and otitis media, osteomyelitis and puerperal infections.


Dosage and administration: For oral use only :


Dogs: 5-10mg/kg b.w. every 12-24 hours.

Cats: 4-5mg/kg b.w. every 12 hours.

Cattle and Horse:   10-20 mg/kg b.w.every 12 hours.